Environ Envision adopts a progressive approach towards the development of a design. Client requirements are formulated in a comprehensible form through effective written and visual communication. The client is asked to review and comment on the progress at various stages. Our design process typically includes the following stages:

  • Investigation Phase
    A complete survey of the client’s requirements is carried out. This is done through visual communications, written memos and interviews.
  • Schematic Design Phase
    Consists of basic design studies and illustrating the scale, magnitude and relationship of various project components
  • Design Development Phase
    Incorporating the client’s suggestions or changes, the design team starts to elaborate on various aspects of the project and large scale drawings with details. The process of submitting drawings and documents to various building control authorities is also started. An initial statement of cost may be submitted at this stage based on area, volume or cost.
  • Construction Documents Phase
    These consist of drawings and documents which are required for the execution of the work at site and include detailed architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical drawings and their specifications along with directions to the contractor. All the necessary bidding forms for calling tenders are also prepared at this stage.
  • Bidding or Negotiation Phase
    We assist the client in calling bids or negotiated proposals, finalizing them and in awarding and preparing construction contracts.
  • Supervision Phase
    Environ Envision provides administration of the construction contract and acts as a representative of the client. It is ensured that work at site is carried out in conformity with quality practice and adheres to the design provided. Verifying and recommending the payments to be made to the contractor is also a part of the supervision services which we provide.